Wednesday 7 September 2011

good morning sailor!

As are most people, when it comes to breakfast I am a creature of habit.  I like something to be super tasty and filling.  I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination so it has to be easy. Museli fits all of the criteria for me, but most commercial cereals either have a bucket of sugar per serving, have been processed to within an inch of their life or contain honey (which, is a grey area for vegans - i avoid it).

 Enter Loving Earth's Raw Activated Deluxe Buckini's.  The activated buckwheat (which actually isn't a wheat at all!) is caramelized with agave, cinnamon and mesquite is mixed in with a whole bunch of superfoods such as goji berries, chia seeds, activated pepitas, and activated nuts. delicious!

It covers my morning sugar requirements without being too sweet and keeps me full until my mid morning snack. Here is my breakfast this morning.  I added bonsoy, organic strawberries and an organic banana. I've been enjoying this so much that I am excited to get out of bed and get to the kitchen so I can eat this!

I should also mention that this product is vegan, gluten free and low GI.

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